ESE and 40-hour Reading Recertification Requirements

F.S. 1012.585 refers to the section of the Florida legislative code that stipulates EVERY Florida educator desiring to renew a teaching credential must earn 20 inservice points in methods/strategies for teaching students with disabilities in EACH validity period.  This became effective with certificates renewing on or after July 1, 2014.  To find out more about this requirement, view the presentation or brochure.  Link to the presentation at  F.S. 1012.585  presentation.   For anyone needing "ESE" points, courses that will count are so noted on all advertisements.  Additionally, the Independent Study courses that will count for "ESE" points are found on the Independent Study ESE Course List These independent study courses are available 24-7, providing ultimate flexibility for the busy teacher!

This same legislation also contains a 40-point reading renewal requirement which will take effect with certificates renewing in 2025.  Please see this document, 40-point Reading Renewal Requirement, for more information.